A Night of Espionage
It’s a brisk night in Prague and your contact is already more than 20 minutes late to meet you on the old city bridge. The sun is almost over the horizon and you are concerned that he might not ever show up. Then you realize that if you don’t retrieve the jump drive he was bringing to you by 10:00 tonight, you may be ending up late for all your future appointments, as well. But…you knew the job was dangerous when you took it!
The life of a spy is both dangerous and romantic – at least how it’s portrayed in movies and on TV. Capture some of that espionage intrigue and adventure with the activities and ideas found here.

In this fun activity, your family will get trained in the stealth art of passing secrets messages the SPY way! You’ll learn and practice a few different ways actual spies have used to pass on information to their handlers. Click HERE to see how to take on this activity.

The clock is ticking and your spaces are exploding! Try your hand at this unusual changing of the standard Bingo game rules. Click HERE to see how to play!

Your family will need an incredible amount of stealth and excellent aim because you’ll only be able to squeeze off one shot with your Nerf gun if you want to be successful in this activity. Set in WWII, each person will have the opportunity to make one shot…so it better count. Click HERE to see how to play.