Dinner and a Movie
Sometimes it’s nice to just chill with the family and pop a good movie in. Better yet, order a pizza and enjoy the meal while watching the movie. EVEN BETTER YET, play one of these simple games WHILE you watch the movie to make it a lot more fun! Dinner and a Movie will never be the same again!

You and your family will have a great time pausing the movie in a few key spots to do what the characters are doing in the movie – like a quick game of Hide n Seek! Or, you might just eat some Turkish Delight as a snack! Click HERE to see how to play!

Although there are SO many ways to add even more adventure to arguably one of the most iconic adventure movies ever, we’ve decided to keep it simple with a few themed snack (from the actual movie) and a fun couple of physical actions to do when certain actions happen during the movie. You gotta pay attention, or you’ll miss one! Click HERE to see how to play.